Propelling the industry to a Prosperous Future.

Who we are

Grupo FOREM is a business ecosystem specialized in boosting the industry through innovative and high-impact solutions. Made up of several leading companies in their sectors, we offer advanced technologies in manufacturing, quality control, metrology, test laboratories, medical device development and industrial security solutions based on artificial intelligence.

Team Members
Years in the market
Offices in Mexico, CA and Colombia
Customers served per year

Nuestras empresas

Conoce más sobre nuestro ecosistema de empresas


Distribuidor industrial de productos, equipo, maquinaria y servicios para todas las empresas de manufactura en la industria de la transformación.


Representante de equipos de alta tecnología para control de calidad, inspección y pruebas.


Laboratorio de metrología con los estándares más altos de calidad.

Metalinspec Laboratorios

Laboratorio de pruebas destructivas y no destructivas a materiales.


Ayudamos a nuestros clientes a transformar sus ideas en productos médicos seguros, rentables e innovadores mediante un proceso de diseño rápido y sistemático.


Ofrecemos las soluciones tecnológicas más avanzadas del mercado como inteligencia artificial, machine learning, computer vision, entre otras, para resolver problemáticas reales.

Our companies

Learn more about our business ecosystem


Industrial distributor of products, equipment, machinery and services for all manufacturing companies in the transformation industry.


Representative of high-tech equipment for quality control, inspection and testing.


Metrology laboratory with the highest quality standards.

Metalinspec Laboratorios

Laboratory for destructive and non-destructive testing of materials.


We help our customers transform their ideas into safe, cost-effective and innovative medical products through a rapid and systematic design process.


We offer the most advanced technological solutions on the market such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and others, to solve real problems.

Our Presence

Through the different FOREM Group companies, we provide services to clients located in the following geographical areas:
Central America

We have more than 15 offices and distribution centers strategically positioned

Our Creed

At FOREM Group, we believe that our values are an essential part of our business, and that they dictate our direction to operate day in and day out.


We believe that every person should be treated with respect and dignity.


We believe in the transparency of all our actions.

Common Good

We believe that being citizens of the world commits us to seeking the common good inside and outside of Grupo Forem.

Our Customers

Our customers, both internal and external, are at the core of our reason for existing.


We believe in satisfying our duty to deliver results.


We believe in growing as people and working people.

Committed to our environment.

As a leading company in the sector, we understand that our success is intrinsically linked to the well-being of the communities in which we operate. Therefore, we strive to promote social and economic progress through our business activities.

Cuando Seas Grande

We are a non-profit association whose purpose is to prevent school dropout by establishing links between young people and successful professionals.


We are a Civil Technical Training Association that seeks, through teaching new technologies and innovation, to be a trigger of Efficiency and Productivity for our customers.